The New Baby Calf

Buttercup the cow had a new baby calf. She licks him, feeds him, and encourages him until he learns to walk and run and play.
Stranger in the Woods

ON HOLD – need to develop tip sheet
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?

This is a classic for all ages. Babies and toddlers enjoy the bold colours and animals shapes. Beginning readers quickly pick up the pattern and rhythm of the book and are often able to predict what animal comes next.
A Crowded Ride in the Countryside

A Crowded Ride in the Countryside is a funny story about increasing numbers of farm animals catching a ride with a farmer going to the county fair. Your child can count the number of animals that squeeze into the farmer’s truck. See what happens when they hit a bump in the road!
Handa’s Surprise

Handa is carrying a basket of fruit to her friend Akeyo. She is carrying it on her head and doesn’t notice that animals she is passing are taking fruit out of the basket. Eventually the basket becomes empty but an antelope chasing her runs in to a tree as Handa walks beneath it and fills the basket with tangerines.
The Napping House

This rhythmic story about a grandmother, a child, a dog, a cat, a mouse and a flea. The sleepy household congregate on Granny’s bed, slowly building a very relaxed pile of bodies.
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear

This is a lovely story for encouraging together time with your child. Your child will quickly pick up on the pattern and rhythm of the story as the little mouse tries to protect his red, ripe strawberry from the big hungry bear.

Stellaluna is about a baby bat that gets separated from its mother and lands in a bird’s nest. She makes some new friends and learns that they can be both similar and different.
Houdini the Amazing Caterpillar

This is the story of a caterpillar, named Houdini. And like the famous magician of the same name, Houdini the caterpillar makes his own magic. Houdini, the amazing caterpillar, captures the imagination of the children with his magical transformation into a butterfly.
Herbert: The True Story of a Brave Sea Dog

This book recounts the true story of a dog named Herbert who fell off a boat during a storm off the coast of New Zealand. Herbert swam for 30 hours until a boat came and rescued him. He had to be very brave.